Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 1

Course information

Our Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 1 induction/general awareness course is for anyone working with vulnerable adults within their establishment such as Teachers, Governers, Teaching assistants, Safeguarding officers, Adult care home assistants, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Care assistants/teachers and those with Adult pastoral care responsibilities.  This course is set up for those working in settings such as:

  • Care Homes, Higher Education Establishments, Academies, Colleges, 6th Forms, Universities, SEN Centres, Medical Centres, Dentists.


This course will also link to the latest Government publications:

1. Education for a Connected World framework - 23rd Feb 2018

2. Teaching Online Safety in Schools - 26th June 2019

3. Keeping Children Safe in Education - 02nd September 2019

Further information about this qualification

Certification – Valid for 3 Years and Ofsted, local council and Safeguarding Adults Board recognised.  Your certificate shall remain on our system for 12 months from the date of completion.

Duration: Approx 1-2 hours to complete.

Progression - We would suggest the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 2 course and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 3 DSL course.

FREE Updates - you are welcome to look back over the course modules for a further 12 months from your course completion date. 

Bulk Discounts

  • 10% discount on 10+ courses
  • 15% discount on 25+ courses
  • 20% discount on 50+ courses

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Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 1

  1. Course Overview
  2. Defining Safeguarding
  3. Defining Abuse
  4. Types and Forms
  5. Physical Abuse
  6. Emotional Abuse
  7. Forced Marriage
  8. Neglect
  9. Sexual Abuse and Esafety
  10. Financial Abuse
  11. Organisational Abuse
  12. Discriminatory Abuse
  13. Domestic Abuse
  14. Modern Slavery
  15. Self Neglect
  16. Recognising Signs
  17. Responsibilities
  18. Disclosure
  19. Reporting
  20. Recording
  21. Latest Updates

Have questions? Please get in touch.